The Garden Island Fishing & Aquatic Association is an incorporated body originally established to manage and protect the interests and property of the cottage owners on the north end of the Island. Membership is now open to the boating public and their families and friends who visit Garden Island. Our aims are to preserve public access, the environment and the facilities that we enjoy today. We are in regular contact with the Commanding Officer at H.M.A.S. Stirling, manage the moorings, send out newsletters and run an annual picnic day on the Sunday of the long weekend in March, in Herring Bay.
The North End of the Island is in Naval Waters and the moorings are controlled by a Mooring Management Policy put in place by the Department of Defence. Mooring holders in both bays are members of GIFAA and the moorings are inspected annually, insured, and categorised according to the size vessel they are capable of holding. We provide numbered and colour coded floats, and a list with names and phone numbers of mooring holders. GIFAA maintains a waiting list and moorings can only change hands through the Association. No sales or private exchanges are allowed.. All vessels using moorings require at least third party insurance and no unauthorised vessels over 13mts. are permitted in the Herring Bay mooring precinct. (See Visitors Information page for general rules and responsiblity of Members and Visitors)
We currently have over 300 family and 7 boat club memberships and would like anyone who regularly visits the Island to join us, membership is $40.00 per year with a nomination fee of $50.00. You can join by filling out the membership form (you have to be nominated and seconded by financial GIFAA members), then post to GIFAA, PO Box 630, Melville, WA, 6956 or email it to the secretary at
Do not send any monies until you have been notified the you been have accepted as a new member by the committee.